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Moving Supplies & Packing Supplies in Basalt, CO

Do your one-stop shopping for all things moving and storage here at Basalt Mini Storage.

Dress your belongings for storage success properly with packing supplies & moving supplies in Basalt, CO. We have professional quality boxes in sizes all the way up to wardrobe, with shrink wrap and furniture covers on hand for your larger items; we also have locks on hand. Our storage professionals happily provide insight and expertise to help you pack and preserve your belongings for their move into storage with our top quality storage supplies.

At Basalt Mini Storage, we understand the value of preserving your valuables.

Storage Supplies & Moving Supplies Sold On-site:

  • Boxes – All Sizes
  • Locks
  • Packing Tape
  • Tape Dispensers
  • Packaging Materials
  • …and much more!

If you are looking for great storage in Basalt, Basalt Mini Storage is where your stuff needs to be.

Packing Supplies Basalt, CO